Ethereum: listsinceblock parameter: target-confirmations

Retirement of the Ethereum Transation: LESTSSINCEBlock Parameter Explained

The parameter LESTSSINCEBlock is a crucial part of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to recover a list of all block transactions from a specified blocking of blocks, or all transactions if no blocking of the block is provided. Parameter and its use.

** What is “listsinceblock”?

Listsinceclock 'is an HTTP request that recovers a list of all transactions in this parameter is used by Web3.Py, a popular Python library to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, to recover the blockchain transactions.

** Arguments:1. “Blockhash” (...

* Hash of block : The first argument is required and specifies the hash of the block from which to start pensions. .

. By default,LESTSSINCINBLOCKincludes transactions from blocks with less than 4 confirmations.

** Return value:1. “List” (…

The parameter LESTSSINCEBLOCK 'returns a JSON object containing a list of all transactions from the chopping of the specified block or if no blocking of the block is provided. The response may include metadata such as block number, timeing and number of transactions.

Example of use:


-X post \ curl


-H 'Content-Type: Application / JSON' \

-d '{"Key": "value"}'


In this example, replaceyour_project_idid 'with your real inffa project ID. JSON format:




"Blocknumber": 1,

"Horodat": 1643723400,

"TransactionCount": 100,

"Transactions": [...]



"Blocknumber": 2,

"Horodat": 1643723410,

"TransactionCount": 200,

"Transactions": [...]



` ‘

The parameter is a powerful tool to recover the transactions of the Ethereum blockchain. The block or omit it and specify target confirmations, you can find

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