Bitcoin: REST API documentation

Bitcoin: Rest -API document *



The BRECOIN CORRE (BTC) project offers a relaxing API for interaction with IT blockchain. This artist offers a detailed overview of the rest -API, tends how to use them and some exams of the intensity.

First steps


To vegetate the BTC Rest -API, you have to make an API key from the officer of the Core website. You can do this by registering on the [official website] (

As soon as Yuu has received your API key, you can use it to create a creator of the library in your preferred programming language (e.g. Python, JavaScript, Ruby). The library’s client offers an interface to access the BTC Rest -API.

Rest -API endpoints


The BTC RET -API provides several endpoints for interaction with the blockchain:

* Blocks: Get the latest block by ID Orget all blocks.

* Ttransactions: Get the details of a transaction from ID All transactions.

* Walelts: Receive the information, including balance and address.

Knot : short information, magic network status and amombs.

Get the legislator

Everything that the Latte Block, you can use the Follower end:




Replace D/Blocks/Vthy your coveted version (e.g. Savage for BRECOIN CORRE 0.7.X).

Tras action of details

Bitcoin: REST API documentation

To get the details of a transformation from ID or to receive the deceptive endpoints:


Get/ transaction/ V1/ transaction/ transaction/ transaction


Replace {{txid} ’with the desirect transaction id.

For example, to get the details of the transaction by ID:


Get/ transaction/ transaction/ 123456898900000000BDEFF


Wallette information

To obtain information, including bathing and address, you can use the Folling endpoint:


Get/Arasch pockets/wallet/wallet/wallet.


Replace {{WIALID} ’with the desirect id.

For examination to get a wake by ID:




node information

No information that includes network statistics and are no longer available. You can use the Folling endpoint:


Get /knot /knot


This end point returns a list of available nodes in your local network.

Example Cliness Code (Python)


He was an exam code for the use of the BC Rest API with Python:


Import inquiries

Set up API key and version

ap_key = “your_pi_Key_Key_hey”

Version = “0.7.x”

Set up URL

Endpoint_url = f “htps: // {veration}/vlockchain/vlock/last_block”

Create a library object

climate = Requests.Client ()


Get the lock

pursponse = clinic.get (inpoint_url)

Check the answer neither

selected.status_code = = 200:

Analyze the JSON RESPEL

block_data = .json ()

Print (“later block:”, block_data)


print (f “error: {response.status_code}”)))

Choose requirements.

Print (f “http error: {http_err}”)

“ S



The BRECOIN CORRE REST -API offers a powerful setting in the blockchain. If you can use this API, you can carry out a cable range of settings and call up block information for managing carllets. This artist is proven by a detailed overview of the rest -API and the exams of the elements used in Python.

ethereum hangs output

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