Metamask: Error data=0x when trying to send arguments to a function in smart contract

Metamask Error: “Error Data = 0x When Trying to Send Arguments To A Function In Smart Contract”

Metamask: Error data=0x when trying to send arguments to a function in smart contract

. In this article,

Error Details

The error message indicates that there is an issue with the data being sent to a function in your smart contract. The Exact Syntax and context are as follows:

Error: Call Revert Exception [See: (method =" verify (string, bytes) ", data =" 0x ", errorargs = null, errorname =. ..

This message sucks that the verify function in your smart contract is experiencing a runnror. Specifically

Breaking Down the Error

Let’s Dissect The Error Message:

  • [See: This Specifically

  • (method

  • (data =" 0x "): this specifies that the data being sent is an address (0x) encoded as hexadecimal.

  • (errorargs = null, errorname = ...): the last two parts of the string detail the error’s context. Errorargs is set tonull, which means no additional arguments were passed to the method. As

Resolving the Error

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:



  • use the verify method with the correct address :


Example Use Case

To Illustrate How to Resolve this Error, Let’s Create a Simple Example:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Testcontract contract {

Function Verify (String Memory _message) Public {

// Verify the Message Using the Address Contract

Require (_message.length == 32 && _message! = "Hello", "Invalid Message Length or Content");

Return True;



// Deploy the Contract to a New Ethereum Network

Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Deployer contract {

Address Public Contractarress;

Constructor () {

// Use ethers.js's Deploy Function to Create and Deploy The Contract

contractdarress = address (0x ...); // Replace with Your Actual Code Deployment Contract

DeployContract (ContractAddress);


Function DeployContract (Address _address) Internal {

// Deploy a new instance of the Deploy Function from Ethers.js

// This will automatically initialize the contract with the specified address and abi



Testontract that uses a methodverify to verify a message. We then deployed the contract to an Ethereum network and called the verify function.

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