Ethereum: Bitcoin script example

Processing Basic Transaction Scripts With Etherum

Script using Ethereum. We’ll also show you to retrieve the recipient’s of the eddress the raw transaction.

Introduction *

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that can allows developers tobuild smarters and decentralized aplications (DAPS). Transaction scripts are used to execs the pagein a blockchain, soouch as validating transactions or performing on date. Script, That’s the Sender’s Identity and the Retrievs

BASIC TX Script Example

Gere is an example of a basic tx script in solidity (the programming language uses for Ethereum development):


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Basictxscript {

Function Verifysender (Address Sander) in a Nice View Returns (Bool) {

// Check if the Sender's Signature matches from the ev.

Require (msg.sender == Keccak256 ("expected_public_key"), "invalid sender");

Return True;


Funcation GetRecipientAdd (Address Recipient) in the Public View Returns (Address) {

// Check If the Recipient's Valid by Valid by Checking for An Empty Or IncorRect Hash

Require (finger (recipient) .length> 0 && bytes (recipient) .hash == Keccak256 ("Expected_hash"), "Invalid Recipient");

Return Requient;



Example Use Case

Ethereum: Bitcoin script example

The basictxscript interface. We’ll also Two Functions: Verifysender andEtrecipientAddrress, it will be called the contract wen it recets a transaction.


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

ContraactPocessor {

Basictxscript basictxscript;

Eddress Public Recipient;

Setrecipient Function (Address _recipient) Public {

recipient = _recipient;


Function Verifysender (Address Sander) in a Nice View Returns (Bool) {

return basictxscript.verifysender (sender);


Funcation GetRecipientAdd () Public View Returns (Address) {

return basictxscript.getecipientaddadd (recipient);



Processing the Transaction

The Basictxscriptinterface, let's crate a news and challenge. Pient's eddress.


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Example contract {

Transactionprocessor processor;

Uint256 Public Txhash;

Function CreaateTransaction () and Public {

// Set The Recipient's Eddress as a variable

uint256 _recipient = 0x1

// Create a new transaction and set its hash to a random value

processor.setrecipient (_requini);

txhash = block.timestamp * 1000000; // Set The Transaction Timestamp


Function Verifysender (Address Sander) in a Nice View Returns (Bool) {

Return Procesor.verifysender (Sender);



Running the example

Tour that example, we need to deploy

“ Solidity

Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Example contract {

Transactionprocessor processor;

Uint256 Public Txhash;

Mapping (address => string) Public SenderAddressTopublickey;

Function CreaateTransaction () and Public {

// Set The Recipient’s Eddress as a variable

uint256 _recipient = 0x1

// Create a new transaction and set its hash to a random value


Bitcoin This Microtransaction

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