Solana: Parsing program data in event logs

Parsing Program Data in Solana Event Logs

When examining the event logs of the Solana blockchain, it is not uncommon to come across program data snippets that can provide valuable insights into the program’s operations and interactions. This article will explore parsing program data from event logs using the “solscan” tool.

What is program data?

In Solana, program data refers to data stored in blockchain programs. These data values ​​are used for various purposes, such as calculating rewards or executing complex logic flows. The data format of the program is a key part of understanding how these values ​​are structured and what they represent in the context of the blockchain.

Parsing Program Data with solscan

To parse program data from event logs using the “solscan” function, we need to follow these steps:

1. Obtain the event log

First, we need to obtain a copy of the event log for the desired event. We can do this by running the following command:

solscan tx getlogs

Replace “” with the actual hash value of the transaction you are interested in.

2. Parse the transaction log

Once we have the transaction log, we need to parse it to extract the program information. We can use the built-in parsing features of the solscan tool to achieve this.

solscan tx logs

This will print a list of programs and their corresponding hashes.

3. Identify and extract program information

To identify and extract program information, we need to process each program’s log entry separately. We can do this by running the following command:

solscan tx logs --logonly --program

Replace with the actual hash value of the program you are interested in.

For example, if we want to parse the tx/3TZeRWjoJ3W2tqTFB4QZRuwAEKCoYryCD2CLtwPXH4EdkaQHbpor7ndJ3FD9KYzb9ff66eKVRB1LeN4a9UzQVYRC transaction log, we can run the following command:

solscan tx logs --logonly --program vdt/007mYe5w9oJ/ymPwCB2SVbwbi3Sh7teoss...

This will print a snippet of the program data associated with the vdt program, which we can then extract and analyze further.

Example Output

Here is an example of what a parsed program data output might look like:


"programHash": "vdt/007mYe5w9oJ/ymPwCB2SVbwbi3Sh7teoss...",

"hash": "",

"gasUsed": "...",

"time": "...",

"events": [...]


In this example, the output includes the program hash, transaction hash, gas used, time, and events associated with the parsed program data.


Parsing program data from Solana event logs requires some technical expertise, but it can be done with “solscan” and the right tools. By following these steps, you should be able to extract valuable insights into the program’s operations and interactions by parsing its program data snippets.

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