Metamask: Issue with Smart Contract Interaction using Web3.js 4.2.0: TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError on MetaMask and Sepolia Testnet

Metask problem: transactions reported with season -season on Metask and Sepolia Testnet

As a developer of cryptocurrencies, I am sure you are aware of the importance of testing your smart contracts in a controlled environment. Two folk tests used for this purpose are Metask and Sepolia. However, when we interact with a specific method using Web3.JS version 4.2.0, we face a problem that causes significant problems.

Problem: The transaction returned without reasons on Metask and Sepolia Testnet

Specifically, the problem is related to the Broadcastmessage (String) method, which is designed to store a string in the intelligent contract. The problem arises when you try to interact with this method using version 4.2.0 Web3.Js.

Error: transactionReTedwithourterasoeroror's

When they meet this error, users are asked to recover their transactions without giving any clear reason for which they were rejected. This can be frustrating and can lead to loss of funds or valuable data. To better understand the problem, we will deepen the details of how "Broadcastmessage (String)" interacts with Web3.Js.

How works

Metamask: Issue with Smart Contract Interaction using Web3.js 4.2.0: TransactionRevertedWithoutReasonError on MetaMask and Sepolia Testnet


In this context, theBroadcastmessage (String)method is used to send a string to a smart contract. The method takes two parameters: the message to be sent and the Ethereum address of the sender. Here is a simplified example:


const Web3 = New Web3 (Window.ethereum);

// connect -va to metamark

Web3.etth cont.connect ();

// get the recipient’s address

Const containtaddress = ‘0x …’;

// Send a string message using Broadcastmessage ()

Web3.etth.accounts.Broadcastmesage (‘hello, world!’, Containtaddress) .Sen ((result) => {

console.log (result);

}, (error) => {

if (error.message === ‘the transaction came back with the reason: returned for no valid reason.’) {

// manage the error

Alert (‘Error: The transaction returned for no reason’);

} else {

Throwing error;




The problem at the game

When usingBroadcastmessage (string), web3.js expects a valid contractual function or an Ethereum account to interact with. However, in this case, we offer a message of arbitrary string as a first parameter. The second parameter is expected to be an Ethereum account address that has the permission to perform the specified function.

The problem arises because Metask and Sepolia Testnets are not configured to accept arbitrary messages from external accounts. When Broadcastmessage (string) meet a rejected transaction, raises a transaction of the backwithoutoneryerror with a generic reason that indicates that the transaction has been returned without a valid reason.


This article highlights a problem that affects users trying to interact with theBroadcastmessage (String)` use of the web3.JS version 4.2.0 on Testnets Metask and Sepolia. Understanding how this method interacts with these tests, we can better solve the problems and solve the problems in our development flow.


To solve this problem:

  • Use a valid contract function or an Ethereum account : Make sure the “string)” method is called for a specific contract function or an authorized EThereum account.

  • Implement Error Management Mechanisms : Develop robust errors management strategies to provide significant feedback to users in case of transaction errors.

  • ** Test well

By taking these steps, you can minimize the impact of this problem on your development activity and ensure easier experience for users interacting with Metask and Sepolia Testics using Web3.Js.

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