Mobile Mobile Device Deep Software Generation **
As a developer, you probably know the popular Metamask wallet and its ability to create deep links in your DAPP. However, sometimes you might want to generate these programmatic links rather than rely on user manual input. In this article, we will explore how to do it programmatically.
To generate Metamk Mobile Deep programmatically, you can use the Web3
library to create a wallet URL and then replace the locations in the resulting series with your values.
Step 1: Create a new wallet URL
First, create a new wallet URL using the Metamask Web3 API. This can be done by launching this JavaScript code:
Const web3 = ask ("Web3");
Const Walorlprovider = ask ("Metamk-DeePlinks-Provider");
// Replace with your Metamask Service Provider
Const Providerdress = "0xyourwalletaddress";
Const Providersecret = "Thowwalletecret";
Const Waleturlprovider = New Waleturlprovider ({
Service Provider: {
Address: Providerdress,
Mystery: Providersecret,
// generate random marker DAPP
Const tokenid = Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000) .Tostring ();
// Create a new wallet URL with locations for your values
Const Walterl = {waleturlprovider.getwalturl ()}/dapp/$ {tokenid};
Step 2: Replace the Wallet URL
Now that you have generated your wallet URL, you need to replace all the locations (eg {Waleturl}
) with your values. This can be done by repeating each location and replacing it with value.
Here is an example of how you could replace the locations:
Const Walterl = {waleturlprovider.getwalturl ()}/dapp/$ {tokenid};
// Replace $ {Walorlprovider.getwalturl ()} with your service provider address
CONST WALORL = Walterl.replace ("$ {Waleturlprovider.getwaleturl ()}",$ {providerdress}});
// replace $ {tokenid} with your DAPP ID (eg “”)
Const tokenid = “”;
Const Walorl = Waleturl.replace (“$ {Tokenid}”, Tokenid);
Step 3: Get URL
After replacing all the locations, you must receive the resulting URL using the Metamask Web3 API. This can be done by calling the Getwaleturl method at the Walterlprovider Instance:
Const Waleturlprovider = New Waleturlprovider ({
Service Provider: {
Address: Providerdress,
Mystery: Providersecret,
// Get the resulting URL using Waleturlprovider.getwaltor ()
CONST WALORL = Waleturlprovider.getWalTurl ();
Putting it all
Here is an example of how you could put it all together:
Const web3 = ask ("Web3");
Const Walorlprovider = ask ("Metamk-DeePlinks-Provider");
// Replace with your Metamask Service Provider
Const Providerdress = "0xyourwalletaddress";
Const Providersecret = "Thowwalletecret";
Const Waleturlprovider = New Waleturlprovider ({
Service Provider: {
Address: Providerdress,
Mystery: Providersecret,
// generate random marker DAPP
Const tokenid = Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000) .Tostring ();
// Create a new wallet URL with locations for your values
Const Walterl = {waleturlprovider.getwalturl ()}/dapp/$ {tokenid};
// Replace $ {Walorlprovider.getwalturl ()} with your service provider address
CONST WALORL = Walterl.replace ("$ {Waleturlprovider.getwaleturl ()}",$ {providerdress}});
// replace $ {tokenid} with your DAPP ID (eg “”)
Const tokenid = “”;
Const Walorl = Waleturl.replace (“$ {Tokenid}”, Tokenid);
// Get the resulting URL using Waleturlprovider.getwaltor ()
Const Walorl = Waleturlprovider.
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